Conditions during kharif season are conducive to rapid and luxurious growth of weeds. Weeds compete with the plants in the early stage of growth. Weed competition period is found between 15 to 45 Days. To control the weeds, 2 hand weeding, one at 30 days of crop growth and the other after 60 days of crop growth should be given. Eptam @ 3-4 kg a.i./ha incorporated in the soil 3 weeks prior to planting gives good control of annual grasses and broad-leaved weeds. Three to four interculturing should be carried out before flowering stage.
Farmers of south Saurashtra growing hybrid castor – 4 are advised to apply fluchloralin or pendimethalin 0.9 kg/ha as pre-emergence blanket application along with HW and IC at 30 DAS.