Alternaria leaf spot1.Alternaria Leaf Spot :
Alternaria ricini
All aerial parts of plant i.e. stem, leaves, inflorescences and capsules are liable to infection.
Symptoms appear first on cotyledons in the form of spots.
Lesions on leaves are brown, zonate variable in size surrounded by yellow halos.
Premature defoliation due to abscission results during severe infection.
On capsule: Purple or dark brown discoloration with sunken areas gradually cover the whole capsule.
Seed treatment with thiram or mancozeb @ 4 g / kg seeds.
Spraying of mancozeb of chlorothalonil (kavach) @ 0.3 %.
2.Root Rot :
Macrophomina phaseolina
Small brown depressed lesions are formed on and around node.
Necrotic lesions increase in size often girdles the stem causing leaf drop.
Entire branch and top may dry up.
Drying and death start from apex.
Crop rotation
Application of organic manure helps in reduction of inoculum.
Antagonistic fungi- Trichoderma spp. @ 1 kg / 25 kg of FYM or seed treatment @ 8 g / kg seeds.
Fusarium Wilt 3.Fusarium Wilt :
Fusarium oxysporium f.sp. ricini
The disease appears as yellow sickly appearance of plants and marginal necrosis of leaves, later advances to interveinal area.
Leaves shrivels, lower one drop away leaving few top leaves and finally develop wilting of the affected plant.
In stem due to formation of tyloses (Fusaric acid) cause necrosis of pith.
Partial wilting is observed commonly.
Seed treatment with carbendazim (bavistin) 3 g / kg seeds or Trichoderma harzianum @ 2-4 g/kg of seeds.Application of organic manures i.e. FYM, neem cake, castor cake @ 5 t /ha.
Antagonistic fungi- Trichoderma spp. @ 1 kg / 25 kg of FYM or seed treatment @ 8 g / kg seeds.
Resistant varieties GCH-4, GCH-6, GCH-7.