Navsari Agricultural University
Types of Businesses in Agribusiness:

 Production: All types of production including agricultural production of crops and livestock, as well as forestry.
 Distribution: Activities as packaging, labeling, transporting, refrigerating, freezing, processing, storing, and performing any service necessary to prepare the goods or to provide the service to eventual consumer.
 Retailing: Retailing is that stage of distribution, which deals with the consumers. Examples of retailers are grocers, self-service stores, florists, agricultural input retailing.
 Personal services: The service business is those, which do not primarily supply goods to the public, but instead perform a service. Examples of personal service are hotels, restaurants, agro-service centers.
 Professional services: Usually those professional services must have a formal education and rigid examinations before receiving licenses to offer their services to the public. Examples of those offering services are investment brokers, insurance agents ,Consultancy etc.
 Financial: Financial businesses are usually service-oriented but since they deal primarily with the loaning or investing of money or the equivalents of money (stocks, bonds, property rights, etc) a separate category describes them best. Examples of financial services are commercial banks, insurance companies, credit societies etc.
 Franchising: Franchising is a system for selectively distributing goods or services through outlets owned by the franchisee. Basically, a franchise is a patent or trademark, license, entitling the holder to market particular products or services under a brand name or trademark according to prearranged terms and conditions.

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