In Intensive system of poultry housing system
(a) Deep litter system
(b) Cage system
Deep litter is the name applied to a system of litter management which involves the placing of 8 to 15 cm of fresh bedding material on floor when housing no pullets & allowing if to build up with droppings & added litter until it is about 20cm deep. Deep litter resembled to dry complete. The build up has to be carried out correctly to give desired results which takes very little attention.
In this system the birds are kept in large pens up to 250 birds in each. The name has been given after the managemental practice of covering the floor of pen by suitable litter material to the depth of 20 – 25 cm. Depending upon the availability and price any material from the followings should be selected. e.g. Paddy husk, Bajra husk, chaffed wheat or rice straw, maize cobs, cane baggase, saw dust etc.
Cage system :
Though this method of poultry keeping is of recent origin, it gained wide spread popularity over the worlds Housing layers in wire cages has been regarded as a super intensive system (0.5-0.6 sq. ft. cage floor area per bird). In the battery system each hen is confined in a cage measuring 30 cm length, 45 cm width and 50 cm height. The floor of the cage is of standard stout galvanized wire set at a slope front back to the front so that the eggs as they are laid roll out of the cage to a receiving gutter. Both feed and water receptacles are outside the cage. Latest trend in cage system is to keep 5 birds in 12" x 18’’ cage.