Greengram is an excellent source of high quality protein (25%) having high digestibility. It is consumed as whole grains as well as "Dal" in a variety of ways in our food. Sprouted green gram is used in the preparation of curry or a savory dish (South India). It is supposed to be easily digestible and hence the patients prefer it. It is also a good source of Riboflavin, Thiamine and Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid). When green gram is sprouted, seeds synthesized remarkable quantity of ascorbic acid (Vitamin C). Green gram is also used as green manure crop. It being a leguminous crop has capacity to fix the atmospheric nitrogen (30-40 kg N/ha). It also helps in preventing soil erosion. Being a short duration crop, it fits well in many intensive crop rotations. Green gram can be used as feed for cattle. After harvesting the pods, green plants are uprooted or cut from the ground level and chopped into small pieces and fed to the cattle. The husk of the seed can be soaked in water and used as cattle feed. It is self-pollinated crop. In North India, it is cultivated in both kharif and summer seasons and in South. India, it is cultivated in rabi season.