Navsari Agricultural University
Summer rice is being cultivated in the districts of Surat, Valsad and Kheda where assured canal irrigation facilities are available. The area under summer rice is increasing year after year.

Selection of variety
GR-11, IR-22, IR-28, GR-3, GR-4, GR – 103, Jaya, Ratna and Gurjari (middle and south Gujarat)

(A) Raising nursery

(1) Sowing should be done in second fortnight of December to 10 January
(2) Seedling should be raised as per transplanted rice.
(3) For early germination, sprouted seeds should be used.
(4) Nursery area should be covered by plastic sheet or gunny cloth for the protection against cold wind and 3-4 lines of windbreak crop (Sevari) is grown on all the sides of the nursery area.
(5) Seedling growth is suppressed due to cold condition; therefore, single super phosphate is applied for enhancing the root growth.

(B) Transplanting

(1) Puddling should be done before transplanting.
(2) Transplant 45 to 50 days old seedlings
(3) Transplant 2-3 seedlings per hill
(4) Transplanting is done at 15 x 15 cm distance
(5) Transplanting should be done in first fortnight of February

(C) Manures
Apply well decomposed FYM or compost @ 20 cart loads/ha in the soil before puddling.

(D) Fertilizers

(E) Irrigation
Scheduling of irrigation for bumper yield of rice is as under:
Stage of Crop Growth Depth of standing water in kyari (cm)
Transplanting for establishment of seedlings 2 to 3
Panicle inniation to before week of harvesting 5 to 7 cm


Area under drilled paddy in Gujarat is about 1.5 lakh hectares.

(1) Selection of variety: Select early maturing and moisture stress resistant varieties like, Sathi-34-36, GR-3, Sukhvel-20 and or IR-28 etc.

(2) Seed rate - 60 kg/ha

(4) Manures and fertilizers - well decomposed FYM @ 20 cart loads/ha should be applied. Out of 75 kg N and 37.5 kg P2O5/ha, 37.5 kg N and 37.5 kg P2O5 should be applied before sowing the crop when there is sufficient moisture present in the soil. Remaining 37.5 kg N/ha should be applied at 30-40 DAS.
If moisture stress occurs, second top dressing of N is not applied under prolonged drought condition. Plant protection measures and other field operations are carried out as per kharif-transplanted rice.
Research Stations:
World : IRRI International Rice Research Institute, Manila, Philippines.
India : CRRI Central Rice Research Institute, Cuttak, Orissa
Gujarat : MRRS Main Rice Research Station, Nawagam, Dist: Kheda.

� 2013 Agricultural Educatorium, Navsari Agricultural University, Navsari. All Rights Reserved Managed by: IT Cell, Navsari Agricultural University, Navsari.