Navsari Agricultural University
Major historical events in Indian agriculture.

Period -----------------> Events

Earlier than 10000 BC -> Hunting & gathering
7500 BC -----------------> Cultivation of crops- Wheat & Barley
3400 BC -----------------> Wheel was invented
3000 BC -----------------> Bronze used for making tools
2900 BC -----------------> Plough was invented, irrigated farming started
2300 BC -----------------> Cultivation of chickpea, cotton, mustard
2200 BC -----------------> Cultivation of rice
1500 BC -----------------> Cultivation of sugarcane
1400 BC -----------------> Use of iron
1000 BC -----------------> Use of iron plough
1500 AD -----------------> Cultivation of orange, brinjal, pomegranate
1600 AD -----------------> Introduction of several crops to India i.e potato, tapioca, tomato, chillies,pineapple, groundnut, tobacco, rubber, american cotton

discovery of agriculture


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