H. C. BastianH. C. Bastian:
• "Monograph of the Anguillulidae".
• He described 100 species of 30 genera in which 23 genera were new. Illustrations were fairly good.
• He also reported different ways to collect nematode, from soil, plant tissue, fresh and salt water (1866).
J. deMan J. deMan:
• He suggested the ratio alpha, beta, and gamma equivalent to a, b, and c that we use in taxonomy (1880).
Nathan Augustus CobbNathan Augustus Cobb:
• Referred to as the "Father of Nematology in the United States".
• He identified over 1000 species of nematodes, including animal parasitic, plant parasitic, free-living, fresh water, and marine forms.
• He made many innovative technical contributions to Nematology, including: (a) fixation and preservation methods; (b) the Cobb metal mounting slide; (c) adaptation of photographic equipment, light filters, and improvements in the camera lucida for microscopic use with nematodes; and (d) development of the first flotation device for removing nematodes from soil.