Grain Smut1.Smut:
a. Grain/ Covered/ Kernel/ Short smut
C. O.: Sphacelotheca sorghi (Link.) Clint.
• Disease apparent at the time of grain formation
• Smut sori are formed in the place of healthy grains, its size varies with variety, larger than healthy grains
• Most of the grains replaced by the smut sori, in some cases only a few grins are smutted.
b. Loose smut
C.O.: Sphacelotheca cruenta (Kuhn.) Potter.
• Affected plants are stunted; produce thinner stalks, more tillers and earlier flowering than healthy ones.
• All spikelet of an infected ear are malformed an hypertrophied
• Sorus replaces the pistil and stemens and borne on glumes and pedicel
• Affected ear appears like a leafy leathery structure
c. Long smut
C. O.: Tolyposporium chrenbergii (Kuhn.) Pot.
• Close examination of ears reveled its presence
• Usually a few smut sori are scattered sporadically throughout the ear
• Sorus is covered by a whitish to dull yellow, fairly thick membrane and is much longer (4 cm in length and 6-8 mm in width)
• Usually the membranes intact until broken mechanically
Head smut
d. Head smut
C. O.: Sphacelotheca reilicena (Kuhn.) clinton.
• Apparent only at the time of flowering
• In the place of normal inflorescence, a sorus fully covered with a grayish whit membrane emerges from the boot leaf (8-10 cm long and 2.5-5.0 cm wide cm wide)
• When the smut spores blown off, a network structure of dark, filamentous vascular tissues of the host exposed.
Downy mildew
2. Downy mildew :
C.O.: Sclerosporce sorghi (kulk.) Weston and Uppal
• Downy whitish growth on the surface of the leaves. appears yellowish on the upper surface
• In advances, chlerofic streaks develop and turn bran as the leaf tissues die
• Characteristic leaf-shredding symptom appeared
• Severely affected plants remain planted and produce no ears.
• Use resistant varieties for sowing
• Teat the needs with metalaxyl @ 6 g/kg seed.
Leaf spots 3. Leaf spots :
A) Cercospora leaf spot :
C.O. : Cercospora sorghi Ellis & Ecerh
Symptoms :
• Rectangular to irregular, red co durk brwn, runken spots, bound by veins, on the leaf blade and sheath.
B) Drechslera leaf spot :
C.O. Drechslera turciccum Pass.
Symptoms : -
• Elongated spindle, shaped spots with straw colured centre, surrounded by a deeply pigmented margin.
Management :
• Use resistant varieties for sawing
• Collecting the heads in dvill cloth hags and dipping in boiling water
• Treat the needs with captan or thiram 3 gm/kg seed before sawing
4. Anthracnose
C.O. Colletotrichum graminicola (Ces.) Wilson
Symptoms :
• Small red purple or brown spots with whitish or purple centres
• The spots are elliptical or spindle shaped, surrounded by ill- defined margin
• Infection appears mostly on the basal and order leaves.
- In advance stage, the spots may enlarge slightly, with characteristic black dots
in the centre.