Nature of Damage:
The insect is monophagous and is considered to be the most serious pest of mango.
On hatching grubs tunnel mango fruits in a zig zag manner through the pulp, endocarp and seed coat until they reach cotyledons. Since the grubs passes its entire life inside the seed there are no external symptoms of injury on fruits.
The pulp is damaged, when the adult makes an exit hole in seed and comes out through the pulp, rendering them unfit for consumption.
Collection and destruction of infested and fallen fruits at weekly interval till harvest.
Ploughing of orchard after harvest to expose hibernating adults.
Destroy all left over seeds in the orchard and also in the processing industries.
Spraying Dimethoate (0.1%) twice at 15 days interval when fruits are of marble size.
Spray main trunk, primary branches and junction of branches prior to flowering (Nov, Dec) with monocrotophos @ 2.5 ml to control beetles hiding in the bark.
Spray Acephate 75 SP @ 1.5 g/l when fruits are of lime size (2.5-4 cm dia) followed by Deltamethrin 2.8 EC @ 1ml/l after 2/3 weeks. Vapour heat treatment of fruits.
Irradiation of fruits with 0.25-0.75 KGY to control stone weevil.
Parasitoids are unknown on stone weevil. The natural enemies recorded on S. gravis include a mite Rhizoglyphus sp, ants (Camponatus sp., Monomorium sp. and Oecophylla smaragdina) and fungus Aspergillus sp, Beauveria bassiana was found to be pathogenic on mango weevil.