Nature of Damage:
Adults feed on the bark of the young twigs and petioles. Grubs make zig-zag burrows beneath the bark with occasional galleries directed to the surface. Grubs make tunnels in the stem where they feed on the internal tissue.
Sometimes, sap and masses of frass may be seen exuding from bored holes. Normally, the attack goes unnoticed till a branch or twig start shedding leaves and drying up.
External symptoms of the attack are not always visible; the site can be located from the sap or frass that comes out of the hole.
Insert swabs of cotton wool soaked in petrol or carbon bisulphide or chloroform or 0.13 % DDVP or 0.05 % trichlorfan into holes & tunnels and seal the holes with mud.
Cut and destroy the infested branches along with grubs and pupae. Insert the iron spike into the hole to kill the larvae, which is quite effective and practicable when infestation is low.
The mixture of carbon bisulphide + chloroform + creosote (2:1:1) may be injected in the hole and then sealed with mud to kill the larvae.
Application of aluminum phosphide (3 gram tablet of celphos, quickphos or phostoxin) deep in the hole and sealing the opening with mud also kill the larva in the tunnel. Use only under strict supervision of expert.
Injecting hole with monocrotophos 36 % 5 ml + DDVP 76 % 5 ml in one litre of water immediately after treating the holes, seal the same with mud.