Nature of damage:
• Withering of terminal shoots. Bore holes on shoots and fruits plugged with excreta. Shedding of flower buds. Withering and drying of leaves.
• The larvae bore into the petiole and midribs of large leaves and tender shoots and cause wilting.
• In the later stage, they also bore into the flower buds and fruits. The flower buds shed due to attack.
• The fruit is damaged considerably and the exit hole is plugged with excreta. Attacked fruits become unfit for consumption and marketing.
• Intercropping brinjal with coriander/fennel (2:1) or as border crop.
• Remove and destroy the affected tender shoots, fallen fruits and fruits with bore holes.
• Avoid continuous cropping of brinjal crop.
• Grow the varieties with long and narrow fruits in endemic areas.
• Install pheromone trap @ 40/ha.
• Bacillus thuringiensis var kurstaki @ 1500 gm/ ha (750 lit of spray fluid). Encourage the activity of larval parasitoids: Pristomerus testaceus and Cremastus flavoorbitalis. Release egg parasitoid: Trichogramma chilonis @ 50,000/ ha, four times from 30 DAT.
• Spray quinalphos 25 EC @ 1ml + neem oil 2ml/lit. Neem seed kernel extract (NSKE) 5 %.
• Avoid use of synthetic pyrethroids. Avoid using insecticides at the time of fruit maturation and harvest. Tratha flavoorbitalis, Goryphus nurse, Eriborus argnteopilosus and Bracon sp. are some of the promising larval parasitoids of this pest.