Nature of damage:
• Tender leaves become yellow.
• The margin of the leaves start curling downwards and reddening sets in.
• In the case of severe infestation leaves get a bronze which is typical “hopper burn” symptom.
• The leaves dried up and shed and growth of the crop is retarded. Both nymphs and adults of leaf hoppers are seen on the underside of the leaf sucking the sap.
• Severely infected plants have stunted growth.
Management :
• Seed treatment with imidachloprid or thiomethoxam @ 3 g/kg or soil application of carbofuran @ 1 kg a.i./ha at the time of sowing.
• Foliar spray of any one of the following insecticides (500 l spray fluid/ha): imidacloprid 200 SL at 100 ml/ha, methyl demeton 25 EC 500 ml/ha, dimethoate 30 EC 500 ml/ha, phosphamidon 40 SL 600 ml/ha and NSKE 5%.