Nature of Damage:
The grubs and adults bore into the rhizome and cause stunting of rhizome development.
If the infestation occurs on a mature rhizome, damage symptoms appear through the reduction in the leaf number, bunch size and the fruit number. Most damage is done by extensive tunneling of the larvae in the corn, thus weakening the plant and causing blow-down by even slight winds.
Select healthy sucker and plant. Do not take regular crop in the same field to avoid initial infestation.
Ensure clean cultivation. Removal of pseudo stems below ground level. Trimming the rhizome.
Avoid rowing Robusta, Karpooruvally, Malbhog, Champa and Adukkar. Grow less susceptible varieties like Poovan, Kadali, Kunnan, and Poomkalli.
Use cosmolure trap at 5/ha. Do not use infested rhizomes for planting. Cut banana plant at the ground level and cover the cut portion with soil. Dry the suckers under direct sun light before planting for 3 to 4 days and dip it in cow dung and ash.
Hot water treatment of banana rhizomes at 55 ̊̊C for 5 to 10 minutes.
Application of Phorate or carbofuran @ 5 to 10 gram per plant in the pit prepared for planting.