Navsari Agricultural University
Chiku Bud Borer (Anarsia achrasella):

The bud borer feeds by making holes into the petals and ovary resulting in significant crop loss.


2 sprays of Monocrotophos @ 0.05% at 15 days interval can effectively control the pest. The pest can also be controlled by using light traps or traps containing bait of tulsi leaf extract and Dichlorvos. One trap should be placed between two trees during April-September.

Chiku Moth (Nephopteryx eugraphella):

It is the most serious pest causing damage to young terminals affecting buds and fresh leaves resulting in reduction of flowering and fruiting due to shedding effect.

Leaf Miner (Acrocercops gemoniella):

The infestation is mainly seen during the rainy season. The maggots feed inside the leaves by leaving characteristic mines. The upper portion of the affected leaves turns white in colour and dry in case of severe damage.
Control : Spraying of systemic insecticides like Metasystox helps to control the pest effectively.

Fruit Fly (Dacus correctus):

It is becoming a serious pest in areas where intercrops are taken in sapota plantations. Peak period of infestation is between March and July. The female punctures the outer wall of mature fruits and lays eggs inside the fruit. The larvae on maturity feed on the pulp of the fruit, which appears normal from outside. The affected fruit finally drops down.
Control : Integrated control involving ploughing in summer, collection and disposal of the dropped fruits, traps of Methyl Eugenol and spray of pesticide is recommended.

Mealy bugs (Rastrococcus iceryoides):

The mealy bugs are present in colonies on the lower surface of the leaves and near the stalk of the fruit. Nymphs and adults suck the cell sap from the leaves and fruits. In case of severe infestation the leaves turn yellowish and fruiting is affected. The bugs secrete honeydew like substance, which facilitate the development of the sooty mould.
Control : 2-3 sprayings of Malathion (0.05%) or Phosphamidon (0.03%) at an interval of 15 days controls the pest effectively.


Leaf Spot (Phaeoleospora indica):

The disease is characterized by numerous, small, pinkish to reddish brown spots with whitish centers in the leaf.
Control : Spraying Dithane Z-78 or Topsin or Bavistin @0.1% at monthly intervals can control the disease.

Sooty Mould (Capnodium sp.):

It is a fungal disease developed on honeydew-like excretion secreted by mealy bugs. The fungus slowly covers the entire leaf area severely affecting the process of photosynthesis. This results in reduced translocation of food to the fruits, which leads to reduction in their size.
Control : Spraying with 40g Zineb in 18 litres of water gives effective control.

Flat Leaf/Fasciation (Botrydiplodia theobromae):

The branches become flattened. These flattened branches are often rough, corrugated and twisted at the tip.

Removing and destroying the flattened shoots can control the disease.

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