1) End to end technique
Three budded setts are put in furrow in such a way that end of the other sett touch to the end of the former sett. Eye to eye distance is maintained.
2) Over lapping technique
Three budded setts are put in furrow so that eye of the one sett touch to the eye of another set. This technique requires more seed rate.
3) Slant Technique
Three budded setts are planted slanting with one bud in the soil and two buds above the ground. When the above the ground buds sprout up into shoots of 20-25 cm length the setts are horizontally pressed down inside and the leaves of the shoots covered with soil.
4) Transplanting technique
Seedbeds of 8.0 x 1.5 m are generally prepared to raise seedlings. Setts of nearly 25 quintals of healthy cane are sufficient for planting of one hectare of land. The seedbeds are properly manured. Two budded setts dipped in Aretan solution are covered with thin layer of soil. The germination of bud is complete within a fortnight and seedlings become ready for transplanting after one week of germination. The sprouted setts are taken out from seedbed and are cut into two pieces making one-budded setts. The sprouted setts are thus planted in the field. This method is adopted when there is a shortage of planting materials.
Some times, one-budded setts are used in nursery for raising the seedlings.
The new technique is developed for raising the seedlings in small plastic or leaf bowl by putting eye bud only. The eye bud is separated by special instrument (eyed separator) from setts. These separated eye buds are used for raising seedlings.