Navsari Agricultural University
In south Gujarat area where soils are heavy clay, where canal irrigation is available, 20 irrigations of 60 mm water depth or 16 irrigations of 80 mm depth are needed and irrigations should be applied in furrows. If irrigations of 100 mm water depth are given, number of irrigation is reducing to 13. The crop requires 1800 mm water during its life span. If irrigations are given in alternate furrows, it cane save 43 % irrigation water. For 60 mm water depth, interval between two irrigations should be 15 to 16 days up to February and 10-12 days up to May and 16 to 17 days up to November. For 80 mm water depth, interval between two irrigations should be 18 to 19 days up to February and 13-15 days up to May and 20 to 21 days up to November. For 100 mm water depth, interval between two irrigations should be 20 to 22 days up to February and 16-17 days up to May and 23 to 24 days up to November.

Farmers adopting drip irrigation in south Gujarat heavy rainfall areas are advised to adopt paired row (60 x 120 cm) planting with one lateral serving two rows of sugarcane. This will reduce initial investment by about 40 % over traditional planting and laying one lateral for each row (90 cm distance). Application of recommended dose of fertilizers was fond to best under this situation.

In other areas, 30 to 35 irrigations are required. In winter season, the interval between two irrigations should be 10 to 12 days, in summer 8 to 10 days and at maturity, interval should be extended.

In Saurashtra, sugarcane crop should be irrigated with 46 irrigations, if water is a scarce, 39 irrigations should be given. If sugarcane trash is covered on the soil as mulch, apply 34 irrigations.

In Saurashtra region, application of water through drip save water from 25 to 65 % and also increase yield of cane.

In middle Gujarat, the crop should be irrigated with 16 irrigations. Sugarcane trash should be covered @ 10 t/ha at 1.5 to 2 months after planting the cane. The interval between two irrigations should be kept 18-20 days up to February, 10-12 days up to March - April and 9-10 days during May - June.

There are four critical growth stages in sugarcane crop for water requirement. They are as under.
• Emergence stage (up to 60 days after planting)
• Tillering stage (60 to 130 days)
• Maximum growth (130 to 250 days)
• Maturing period (250 to 360 days).

Out of which, second and third are the most critical growth stages. If moisture stress occurs during these stages, yield may reduce to a greater extent. During ripening phase, soil moisture content should be allowed to decrease gradually so that growth of the cane is checked and sucrose content increase. For this, irrigation should be stopped 15 days before harvesting.

� 2013 Agricultural Educatorium, Navsari Agricultural University, Navsari. All Rights Reserved Managed by: IT Cell, Navsari Agricultural University, Navsari.