Navsari Agricultural University
Planting of suckers:

Sword suckers of 3-4 months old separated from mother rhizome & planted.

Planting of Rhizome:

Pseudostem of sucker is completely removed from rhizome. Such rhizomes are stored under shade in cool & dry place for 2 months. The conical rhizomes with sound heart & few side buds are used for Planting.

Distance of Planting:

Tall varieties – 2.5 x 2.5 m
Dwarf varieties – 1.8x1.8 or 1.2 x 1.2 m. 31.6 tones of rhizomes i.e. 3000 numbers required per ha.

Planting Season:

15 June to 15 July. If early planting, bunch will emerge during severe winter, which reduce the yield. High temp. of Sept-Oct. and severe cold of winter reduce the growth of bunch. Pits of 30 x 30 x 30 are dug during summer. Filled with FYM (10-15 kg) + soil. Before planting, planting material is treated with Aurifungin 6g. in 135 lit. water for 1.1/2 hour or with KMnO4 100g + 100 lit.water.
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