Phavophloeospora leaf spot Phavophloeospora leaf spot
C.O.: Phavophloeospora indica
• Symptoms appear on leaves as small, pinkish to dark brown scattered circular spots visible on both surfaces.
• Later they coalesce and the affected leaves fall off .
Favourable conditions:
• It is severe during Oct- Dec. The fungus grows best at 250 C at 90% R.H.
Management :
• Spraying 0.2% Zineb or ziram or Copper oxychloride 0.25% control the disease.
Glomerella Lef spot
C.O.; Glomerella cingnlata
• Symptoms appear as yellow irregular spots on the leaves.
• In severe infection the leaf turns yellow. Diseased portion turn grey to dark olive.
• Large no. of fruiting bodies of the fungus seen as minute black structures on the spots.
• The disease is controlled by spraying with Carbendazim 0.05% or zineb 0.2% at month interval.
Wilt of sapota:
• Infected plant become yellowing and slowly wilting.
• Application of Trichoderma at time of planting. Initial symptoms developed drenching with Carbendazim 0 .05%