Fusarium Wilt
Fusarium WiltFusarium Wilt
Fusarium udum Butler
• The leaves of the affected plants become yellowish in color, then drop and finally the whole plant dry out.
• These types of symptoms can be easily confused with shortage of moisture in the soil though there is plenty of moisture in the soil where these symptoms develop.
• The disease in fact can be diagnosed by seeing the black streaks on the wood after removing the outer epidermal strip from the major roots.
Control Measures
• It is difficult to control the disease due to the soil borne nature of the causal fungus.
• However, its incidents can be reduced considerably by taking certain precautions. Thses include following a three to four year crop rotation, taking a mixed crop of jowar and arhar and collecting and burning the plant trasnes left after harvesting.
• Best control is to plant disease resistant varieties like Amar, Azad, Asha (IPCL-87119), Maruthi, C-11, BDN-1, BDN-2, NP-5 etc.
Causal Organism:
Rhizoctonia bataticola (Taub.) Butler
Macrophomina phaseolina (Tassi) Goidanich
• Infected plants suddenly and prematurely dry up. When such plants are uprooted their roots are rotten and shredded.
• The finer roots are mainly affected and have dark, blackend streaks underneath their bark with evident dark sclerotial bodies.
• Such roots are brittle and break when touched. Under hot, humid conditions root rotting extends to the base of the stem.
• Early symptoms on stems and branches are spindle-shaped lesions with light gray centers and brown margins with scattered pycnidial bodies.
• The lesions coalesce and cause the branches or whole plants to dry up and die.
Control Measures:
• In case of severe intensity of this disease, the crop should be sprayed with Mancozeb 75 WP at the rate of 2.5 kg per hectare.
• A suitable crop rotation should be followed if the cankers are a problem in the same field every year.
Bacterial Leaf SpotBacterial Leaf Spot
Causal Organism:
Xanthomonas campestris pv. cajani
(Kulkarni, Patel & Abhyankar) Dye
• In India the disease usually appears in the rainy season during July and August.
• It can be seen on the lower leaves of plants that are about 1 month old as small necrotic spots surrounded by bright yellow halos.
• Later, rough, raised, cankerous lesions appear on the stem. Leaf spots do not usually cause defoliation.
• Cankers can cause stems to break, but the broken part usually remains attached to the plant. Stems often break at the point where the primary leaves are attached.
• Often, the affected plants do not break, and the stem cankers increase in size until they are 15-25 cm long.
• In cases of severe infection the affected branches dry.
• Use resistant varieties.
• Select well drained fields.
• Always selects seeds from healthy crops.
• Spray antibiotics like streptocycline and 250 ppm i.e. 2.5 g/10 lit of water.
Cercospora Leaf SpotCercospora Leaf Spot
Causal Organism:
Cercospora cajani Hennings (most prevalent)
Cercospora indica Singh
Cercospora instabilis Rangel
Cercospora thirumalacharii Sharma & Mishra
(Teleomorph: Mycovellosiella cajani [Henn.]
Rangel ex Trotter)
• First appear as small circular to irregular necrotic spots or lesions usually on older leaves.
• These lesions coalesce causing leaf blight and defoliation.
• During epidemics lesions appear on young branches and cause their tips to dry and die back.
• The Indian isolates of the pathogen produce a fluffy mycelial growth on their lesions, while the African isolates produce concentric zonations on their lesions.
• Use resistant varieties.
• Select field away from perennial pigeon peas which are a source of inoculum.
• Always select seeds from healthy plants.
• Spray maneb @ 3g/litre of water or carbendazim 1 g/litre.
Sterility MosaicSterility Mosaic
Causal organism:
Eriophyid mite Aceria cajani Channabasavanna
• The affected plants become light greenish in color which can be easily differentiated from dark green healthy plants.
• Leaves are reduced in size. Affected plants remain stunted and branch profusely, as a result of which they appear bushy.
• No flowers and fruits are borne on such affected plants resulting in total loss of yield. Sometimes only a few branches in the plant are affected others remaining healthy.
• In such cases the yield reductions are patial. The virus is not seed borne.
Control Measures
• Plant resistant varieties like Pusa-885, Asha, Sharad (DA-11), Narendra-Arhar-1, Bahar etc.
• Control mites by spraying 0.1% Oxydemton methyl (Metasystox). Start spraying as soon as first affected plants are seen in the field. Three to four sprays are needed to control the mites.
Powdery MildewPowdery Mildew
Causal organism:
Oidiopsis taurica (Lev.) Salmon
(Teleomorph: Leveillula taurica [Lev.] Amaud)
• Infected plants have white powdery fungal growths on all their aerial parts, especially the leaves, flowers, and pods.
• Severe infections result in heavy defoliation.
• The disease causes stunting of young plants, followed by the visible symptoms of white powdery growth that appear gradually before the flowering stage.
• The initial symptoms develop as small chlorotic spots on the upper surface of individual leaves and subsequently the corresponding lower surfaces develop white powdery patches.
• When the fungus sporulates, this white powdery growth covers the entire lower leaf surface.
• Use resistant varieties.
• Select fileds away from perennial pigeon pea which are a source of inoculum.Sow late (after July) in India, to reduce disease incidence.
• Spray wettable sulphur @ 1g/litre.
• Triademefori 25 @ 0.03%.
• Carbendazim 0.5 g-1.0 g/lit