Nature of damage:
Damage is caused by the caterpillar which is on the top portion of the plant and therefore pest known as `Top Borer`.
After Hatching, larva enters in the midrib from the lower side of the leaf and bore downwards making fine tunnel in the midrib.
Then enters in the central shoot of the cane.
When central leaf open, parallel holes are observed.
Larva feeds on growing shoot resulting in the drying up of central shoot which forms the dead heart.
When the growing point is killed, Secondary tillering results in the young plants and bunchy tops in the older ones.
Collection and Destruction of egg masses. Removal of infested plants alongwith larvae.
Soil application of Carbofuran 3 % G @ 1.00 kg a.i./Ha two times i.e. at the time of sowing or one month after sowing ( at the time of earthing up) or soil application of Phortae 10% G @ 1.00 kg a.i./ha three times i.e. 30,90 and 150 DAP Or Spraying the crop with carbaryl 50 % WP 0.20% five times i.e. at 60, 80,100,120 and 140 DAP.
Field release of trichocard (Trichogramma japonicum) two per hectare.