Nature of damage:
Their attack noticed after cane formation. It is found in colonies at the lower nodes of young canes and remain protected under the leaf sheath.
The nymphs and female adults suck the juice.
The damaged canes become useless for sowing purpose due to injury to the eye buds.
Sugar recovery adversely affected.
They also secrete honeydew like substance on which black sooty mould develops.
Ants are attracted towards honeydew.
Selection of pest free setts for planting.
Avoid ratoon crop.
Detrashing the lower leaves after six months of planting to reduce the pest population.
Before planting sugarcane setts should be treated with 0.1% malathion 50 EC (20 ml).
Soil application of carbofuran 3% G @ 600 gm a.i. /ha, starting from June and give five times at an interval of one month or spraying the crop with phosphamidon 85% @ 600 ml/ha or dimethoate 30 EC @ 2 lit/ha starting from June and give four spray at an interval of one month.