Nature of Damage:
Both Nymphs and Adults insert their sucking mouth parts into plant tissues and suck plant sap from phloem cells.
The Brown Plant Hopper also secretes honeydew. The honeydew drops fall on leaves or base of plant and turn black due to growth of sooty mould fungus. During the course of feeding, the brown plant hopper scratches solid feeding sheaths into the plant tissues to form feeding tube.
The feeding sheaths block the flow of plant sap. Removal of blocking of sap causes tillers to dry and slump resulting in Hopper burn. Generally, infestation starts in the middle of the field and spread around in circle.
In case of heavy attack, large numbers of cast skin i.e. exuvae are seen on the stems and floating on the water.
This insect is known to transmit the Grassy Stunt Virus Disease of rice.