Nature of Damage:
Adult butterfly is dark brown with white spots on the forewings.
Caterpillar is elongate with a green in colour and having constricted neck and a red ‘V’ mark on the head.
Larva folds the leaves longitudinally fastening the edges together and feed outside the leaf role by cutting the leaf margin.
Management for leaf folders and leaf eating caterpillar:
Grow resistant variety GR- 104.
Collection and destruction of damaged leaves, larvae and pupae.
Application of Phosalone 35 EC- 0.075 % @ 21 ml or Monocrotophos 36 SL- 0.04% @ 10 ml or Fenitrothion 50 EC- 0.05 % @ 10 ml or Carbaryl 50 WP-0.20 % 40 gm or Phosphamidon 45%- 0.03 % @ 3 ml or Triazophos 40 % EC -0.05%@ 12 ml or Cartap Hydrochloride 50 % SP- 0.05% @ 10 gm or Acephate 75% SP- 0.05% @ 7 gm or Cypermethrin 25 % EC-0.009 % @ 3-4 ml or Deltamethrin 2.8 % EC 0.00125% @ 4-5 ml or Carbaryl 42% flowable 0.15% @ 35 ml or Carbaryl 42% flowable 0.20% @ 48 ml in 10 liters of water will give better control of all these pests.