Nature of Damage:
The Nymphs and the Adults suck juice from the developing grains in the milky stage, causing incompletely filled panicles or panicles with empty grains. At the site of feeding yellowish brown or brown spot developed.
In the heavy attack the panicles show completely brown colour.
This pest attacks the rice crop periodically and the reasons for its abundance in certain years are not known.
The population can be suppressed by killing the bugs by using light traps, collecting the adults with nets and destroying the weeds to remove alternate hosts.
Spraying the crop with Chlorpyriphos 0.05% or Monocrotophos 0.04% or Carbosulfan 0.05%.
The Paddy growers are advised to apply Chlorpyriphos 0.05% (1:11.91) or imidacloprid 0.005% or acetamiprid 0.004%.