Nature of Damage:
The Beetles are slightly rectangular, small, deep metallic green in colour. Grubs scarabaeform, depressed and dirty white in colour.
The larvae and adults scrap the green matter and forming parallel white stripes.
Management for Rice Hispa and Blue Beetle:
Dislodging the beetles by dragging a rope across the flooded field. Or by dragging a boom stick may be also useful.
Destroy the alternate host plants.
Ploughing the field after the harvesting.
Collect adults and kill them in kerosinised water.
Spraying the crop with Fenitrothion 50% EC - 0.05% - 10 ml or Carbaryl 50% WP - 0.20% - 40 gram, (Carbaryl 42% flowable - 0.05%- 35 ml), in 10 litres of water will give better control of these pests.