Nature of damage:
Immediately on hatching, larva enters in the buds, flowers or bolls.
Their entry hole naturally heals up and very difficult to know the presence of larva inside the bolls.
The attacked bolls fall off prematurely and those mature do not contain good quality of lint.
The damage seed-cotton gives a lower ginning percentage, lower oil extraction and inferior spinning quality.
Management :
Spreading the seed in thin layers during summer on cemented floor will kill all the aestivation larvae.
Collection and destruction of shedded bolls.
Grazing sheeps after uprooting cotton stalks.
Cotton seeds should be fumigated with methyl bromide @ 1.5kg/100 cubic metre for 24 hours or Aluminium phosphide 3 gram/100 cubic metre for 4-5 days.
Spraying the crop with carbaryl 50% WP 0.20 % @ 3-4 kg/ha or phosalone 35 % EC 0.075% @ 2-2.5 lit./ha or quinalphos 25 % EC 0.05 % @ 2-2.5 lit/ha.