Nature of damage:
Nymph and adult suck cell sap from the leaves.
It also secretes sugary materials on which black sooty mould develops.
Plant growth remains stunted. Bemisia tabaci transmits number of viral diseases viz; Tomato leaf curl, tobacco leaf curl, yellow vein mosaic virus, cowpea golden mosaic and yellow mosaic of green gram.
Clean cultivation.
Timely sowing of the crop will escape the period of maximum infestation.
Neem seed oil add in any insecticide with teepol or sandovit @ 1-2 ml/lit. of water.
Crop spray with:
1. Neem seed oil 0.50% @ 50 ml/10 lit. i.e. 5 lit/ha
2. Fish oil rosin soap 2.50% @ 250 gm/10 lit i.e. 25 kg/ha
3. phosalone 35 % EC (0.087%) @ 25 ml/10 lit i.e. 2.5 lit/ha
4. quinalphos 25%EC (0.05%) @ 20 ml/10 lit i.e. 2.5 lit/ha
5. monocrotophos 36% SL (0.10%) @ 25ml/10 lit i.e. 2.5 lit/ha
6. methyl-o-demeton 25% EC (0.025%) @ 10ml/10 lit i.e. 1 lit/ha
7. Ethion 50% EC (0.10%) @ 20 ml/10 lit i.e. 2 lit/ha
8. Acephate 75% SP (0.11%) @ 15 gm/10 lit i.e. 1.5 kg/ha
9. Triazophos 40% EC (0.10% )@ 25 ml/10 lit i.e. 2.5 ml/ha